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One of the coolest district in Europe


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Plante dans notre boutique hôtel à Paris, hôtel Terre Neuve.

Coolest neighbourhoods in Europe

« Recently renovated Hôtel Terre Neuve (doubles from €99 room-only) is five minutes’ walk from
Place de la Réunion… »

The Guardian, John Brunton, 08/02/2020

Fleuve à proximité de l'hôtel Terre Neuve, à Nation Paris

Charonne District

« ew meters away from here, the Hotel Terre Neuve manager (also listed by the Guardian) come to the same conclusion of the "faubourian" district where are melted social houses, craftsman locals, and townhouse with glass wall as workshop style at the back of cobbled cul-de-sac.… »

Le Parisien, Benoit Hasse, 23/02/2020

In Paris, one of the coolest district in Europe

« Far away from the Indian Ocean… it does not prevent La Réunion district being selected as one of the coolest area of the time by the Guardian. Published this weekend, the article is listing 10 authentic places away from tourists,  to check the biggest european cities. Named like this, because it melts the small and big Charonne, once splited by a wall, “this is a popular disctrict, multicultural, bohemian and friendly”, with a circular square which comes alive with the market on Thursday and Sunday morings. Several good places recomended by the British newspaper: Le Café sans nom, the roaster L’ecargot d’or, the winecellar @Aubonvingt, the concept store @Laboticaparis, the restaurants @quartier_rouge, La Petite Fabrique, Les Mondes Bohèmes, Moki Bar, or @hotelterreneuve and the Mama Shelter … »



Le Point, @nicolaslouisHenri, 24/02/2020,