A district of 20th area of Paris elected “most beautiful place in the World” by the Guardian
« Several good places recomended by the article as example, as “Café sans nom” (57-59 rue de la Réunion), the bakery “L’escargot d’or” (53 rue de Bagnolet), the wine cellar “Au bon vingt” (52 rue de Bagnolet), La Botica (69 rue de Bagnolet). About restaurants as “Quartier Rouge Bistro” (52 rue de Bagnolet), “La Petite Fabrique” (at number 15) and “Les Mondes Bohemes” (number 31) or the “Moki Bar” (at number 61). About selcted hotels Terre Neuve hotel (22 bis rue de Terre Neuve) and Mama Shelter (109 rue de Bagnolet)… »